Reconciliation key can not be aggregated due to an overflow.

Message type: E = Error

Message class: >5 - Contract A/R and A/P: Central functions

Message number: 192

Message text: Reconciliation key can not be aggregated due to an overflow.

What causes this issue?

During the aggregation of reconciliation keys, a surplus of an amount or
quantity field occurred in the aggregation key. The problem occurred
during the aggregation of the totals record &V2& from the reconciliation
key &V1&.

System Response

The aggregation cannot be carried out since the size of the amount or
the quantity field is not sufficient.

How to fix this error?

The reconciliation keys cannot be aggregated. Aggregate fewer
reconciliation keys or do not aggregate the reconciliation key at all
and transfer the key to general ledger accounting separately.

Procedure for System Administrators

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.