Clearing variant &1 is incompatible with clearing type &2

Message type: E = Error

Message class: >5 - Contract A/R and A/P: Central functions

Message number: 294

Message text: Clearing variant &1 is incompatible with clearing type &2

trados = fi

What causes this issue?

During the processing of payment advice note item &V3& &V4&, a clearing
proposal is to be created using the clearing variant specified. A
clearing proposal with tolerance variances was determined.

System Response

Error message; the clearing cannot be posted.

How to fix this error?

The clearing variant assigned to the payment advice note processing
(clearing type &V1&) must not use rules for the automatic write-off of
tolerance variances.

Procedure for System Administrators

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.