Period &1 for corr. type &2 in corr. variant &3 not in run parameters

Message type: E = Error

Message class: >6 - Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable: Correspondence

Message number: 054

Message text: Period &1 for corr. type &2 in corr. variant &3 not in run parameters

What causes this issue?

Correspondence of <DS:DE.COTYP_KK>correspondence type</> &V2& is to be
created in a program run. In <DS:DE.COPRC_KK>correspondence variant</>
&V3&, <DS:DE.COTYP_KK>correspondence period</> &V1& is stored with
<DS:DE.COPER_KK>correspondence type</> &V2&.
However, in the period parameters of the correspondence creation run,
correspondence period &V1& was excluded.

System Response

Correspondence is not created.

How to fix this error?

If you also want to create correspondence of this correspondence type
for periodicity &V1&, you have to start an additional correspondence
creation run in which you allow creation for periodicity &V1&.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.