This is an exceptional case

Message type: E = Error

Message class: 88 - REA Processing

Message number: 844

Message text: This is an exceptional case

What causes this issue?

Only bills of material for which there are relevant changes are
supposed to be displayed. All changes to a BOM are saved in the change
document tables under the same objekt ID. For example, changes in
different alternatives are all saved under the same object ID.

There can be a change document that refers to a change in alternative
02. In the meantime, alternative 02 may have been deleted, although
alternative 01 may still exist under the same object ID. Alternative 02
does not exist and can therefore not be displayed. Alternative 01
should not be displayed because there is no relevant change.
This and similar constellations are very rare!

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.