Quantity flow analysis for &1 &2 does not yield any fee-relevant items

Message type: E = Error

Message class: 88 - REA Processing

Message number: 860

Message text: Quantity flow analysis for &1 &2 does not yield any fee-relevant items

What causes this issue?

The material &V2& is identified by the REA data filters as fee-relevant.
However, the quantity flow analysis does not yield any fee-relevant

System Response

The article is not included in the declaration.

How to fix this error?

Check &V1& &V2& in the REA price analysis.
In <DS:TRAN.J7LC>REA Customizing</>, ensure that the "indicate use of
packaging for <DS:DE.J_7LVPMMKZ>purchasing</> or <DS:DE.J_7LVPSDKZ>
sales</>" indicators are only activated if they are maintained for all

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.