Record &1 in the input file does not have a control record.

Message type: E = Error

Message class: A5 - Summarization in Investment Management

Message number: 224

Message text: Record &1 in the input file does not have a control record.

What causes this issue?

During the import of data from the presentation server, the system
tried to read a control record.
The control record is supposed to contain the structure of the data, as
well as the number of data records to be read.
However, record &V1& either has too many columns for a control record,
or the columns have the wrong format.
The first record in the input file always has to be a control record.
Based on the number of following data records specified in the control
record, the system determines the record number of the next possible
control record.
If the number of records in the control record is incorrect, the system
tries to find the next control record where there is actually a data

System Response

The activity terminates.

How to fix this error?

Check the input file. If it was created by a standard SAP program,
contact the SAP Hotline, if necessary.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.