This activity deletes a min. of one phrase in the value assignment
Message type: E = Error
Message class: C$ - Environment Management System
Message number: 288
Message text: This activity deletes a min. of one phrase in the value assignment
What causes this issue?
The value assignment you selected consists of phrases from passive
libraries or the phrase is not part of the phrase set assigned to the
There are several possible causes:
These values were loaded into the SAP System via the import of
specifications. You cannot mix imported and manually assigned value
If the phrase used has been removed from the phrase set assignment, it
can no longer be used for value assignment.
System Response
The system deletes all value assignments with passive or invalid
How to fix this error?
You can either:
Confirm the message; the system then deletes the phrases in value
Cancel this message; the system then undoes the action.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.