Char-dep. user-def.txt type &1 not assgnd to a char. of val. ass. type &2
Message type: E = Error
Message class: C$ - Environment Management System
Message number: 312
Message text: Char-dep. user-def.txt type &1 not assgnd to a char. of val. ass. type &2
What causes this issue?
The user-defined text of user-defined text type &V1& you attempted to
enter for the value assignment type &V2& is marked as
characteristic-dependent in Customizing. However, as the user-defined
text type &V1& is not assigned to a characteristic of the value
assignment type &V2&, you cannot use the user-defined text type for the
value assignment type &V2&.
System Response
The system rejects your entry.
How to fix this error?
Choose one of the following options:
Select a different user-defined text type.
In the menu, choose <LS>Basic Data and Tools</> -> <LS>Phrases</> ->
<LS>Edit Phrase Set-to-Attribute Assignments</>. Assign the required
characteristic-dependent user-defined text type to a characteristic of
the value assignment type &V2&. Then go to user-defined text entry again
and repeat your action.
If you have added more characteristics to the classes of the <LS>value
assignment</> class type in the SAP component <ZK>Classification System
</>, update the display of the phrase set-to-attribute assignment. To do
this, choose <LS>Basic Data and Tools</> -> <LS>Tools</> -> <LS>Match Up
Master Data</> in the menu and then execute the function
<DS:DE.ESERFCATCHRCHK>Match Up ValAss Type and Char.</>.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.