Business data for formula simulation has not been completely maintained

Message type: E = Error

Message class: CPE - Commodity Pricing Engine

Message number: 529

Message text: Business data for formula simulation has not been completely maintained

What causes this issue?

In this step, you specify the business attributes that simulate the
document behavior from the Commodity Pricing Engine (CPE) perspective
(for example, what data of a sales order is sent to the CPE, such as
reference dates, quantities).
This data has been incompletely entered. This might prevent a correct
formula evaluation in a later step of the formula simulation.
The following data is incomplete:
<ZK>&V2& </>
<ZK>&V3& </>

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

How to fix this error?

Complete the data using the following guidelines:
You must enter the reference dates that are used in the term (or terms)
of the formula
You must enter all quantity conversion data that is required for the
formula- and term-specific conversion settings
You must enter at least one entry representing the item quantity in the
Quantity Conversion Data table. Enter this in list format with the
source '00'.
You must enter at least one entry representing the document currency in
the Name Value Pairs table (L=10)

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.