
Message type: E = Error

Message class: DD_CDS_ANALYSIS - CDS code inspector messages

Message number: 000

Message text: &1

This check performs a syntax check of DDL Sources and propagates a
selected list of warnings issued by the CDS compiler:

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Error in CDS View which is displayed as a Warning:
Name of an association is not unique (T100: SDDL_PARSER_MSG, msgno: 005)
The name of an association used in a path expression in a CDS View is
not unique. Usually, name conflicts like this one are indicated by
syntax errors in CDS Views. In order to maintain the backward
compatibility, this error is only displayed as a warning. In order to
track the occurrences of this problem, this check propagates this error.
Join-Depth Limitation (T100: DD_CDS_ANALYSIS, msgno: 304)
Due to technical limitations on the HANA database, the upper limit of
255 joined tables in one compilation unit was reached.
,,Warnings in CDS View indicating potentially performance relevant
Association is not necessary to select attribute (T100: SDDL_PARSER_MSG,
msgno: 127)
A path expression is not necessary for the selection of an attribute,
because ? due to the underlying ON-clause ? the same value is already
contained in a previously joined data source. The use of an association
at this point causes a LEFT OUTER JOIN in the database view.
Cardinality of Associations (T100: DD_CDS_ANALYSIS, msgno: 302 and 303)
The cardinality of associations if an important aspect when the
associations is used in a path expression, and thus, translated into a
join operation in the generated native database view. The cardinality of
associations is embedded into the generated view and thus provides
additional information for the query optimizer of the database.
A warning is issued if the specified cardinality does not fit to the
ON-condition of the association. If the key of the targeted data source
is fully covered by EQUAL-comparison operations in the ON-condition of
the association, a to-One cardinality is expected. . If the key of the
targeted data source is not fully covered by EQUAL-comparison operations
in the ON-condition of the association, a set-valued cardinality is
expected (bigger than one).

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.