Exemption certificate data incomplete: Code &, number &, date &

Message type: E = Error

Message class: EI - Foreign Trade: Gen. Output

Message number: 245

Message text: Exemption certificate data incomplete: Code &, number &, date &

What causes this issue?

You did not make all three necessary entries:

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Exemption certificate code
Exemption certificate number
Exemption certificate date
Exemption certificate code: &V1&
Exemption certificate number: &V2&
Exemption certificate date: &V3&

A material is only recognized as irrelevant for control under the
following conditions:
The exemption certificate code is 'B'
The exemption certificate number is maintained
The exemption certificate date falls before the planned export date

System Response

The system displays a warning or error message depending on the
settings in material master Customizing. In either case, the system
does not allow this entry.

How to fix this error?

Add the missing data.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.