Inconsistent settings in print control (document &1, output &2)
Message type: E = Error
Message class: EI - Foreign Trade: Gen. Output
Message number: 312
Message text: Inconsistent settings in print control (document &1, output &2)
What causes this issue?
You attempted to issue message &V2&, but its corresponding document &V1&
contains different plants. The SAP system carried out a check of the
print control settings for foreign trade messages because of the plant
differences in the document items that are to be printed.
Plant-dependent entries for message &V2& were found to contain different
or conflicting field settings.
The causes of this system reaction could include the following examples:
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
You maintained different number range objects or number range intervalsper plant in print control for message type &V2& and now want the system
to update information specific to foreign trade (document numbers, and
so on).
You have not maintained an entry for the output type &V2& in the print
control for all plants in the document items that are to be printed.
System Response
When you execute the message output in the foreground, the system
cancels the edit process. If you start the message output in the
background, the edit process of the current output is cancelled, but
other, future outputs are processed normally.
How to fix this error?
Check your settings in the print control for foreign trade outputs in
Customizing for the output type &V2&.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.
Related Error Messages
EI311 You have selected a document item that does not have preference authoriz.
EI310 For output &1, document &2, there is already a more recent output
EI313 Plant & does not exist or error when reading the plant table
EI314 Document number &1 already assigned (document &2, output &3)