Transactions not assigned to internal transactions

Message type: E = Error

Message class: EK - IS-U Accounts Receivable and Payable

Message number: 469

Message text: Transactions not assigned to internal transactions

What causes this issue?

Checks for the existence of <DS:DE.TVORG_KK>transactions</> that are
not assigned to <DS:DE.ITVOR_KK>internal transactions</>.

How to fix this error?

If the systems finds inconsistencies, you have the following options:
Allocate the transactions to internal transactions
Check if the transaction attributes are consistent in all
<DS:DE.BUKRS>company codes</> and <DS:DE.SPART>divisions</>.
To gain a better overview, you can delete the transactions that you do
not require.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.