Statistics indicator for transactions allocated internally

Message type: E = Error

Message class: EK - IS-U Accounts Receivable and Payable

Message number: 472

Message text: Statistics indicator for transactions allocated internally

What causes this issue?

Checks for the existence of <DS:DE.HVORG_KK>transactions</> that were
allocated to an <DS:DE.TVORG_KK>internal transaction</> with a different
<DS:DE.STAKZ_KK>statistics indicator</>.

System Response

If there are inconsistencies, this can result in postings that you
intended as actual postings being carried out as statistical postings,
or vice versa.

How to fix this error?

If the system finds inconsistencies, you have the following options:
Allocate the transaction differently.
Change the statistics indicator of the external transaction.
Delete the allocation, if you do not require allocation to internal
For more information, choose the activities under the node "Maintain
Transactions" in the Implementation Guide (IMG).

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.