Internally allocated subtransactions that are not maintained

Message type: E = Error

Message class: EK - IS-U Accounts Receivable and Payable

Message number: 481

Message text: Internally allocated subtransactions that are not maintained

What causes this issue?

Checks for <DS:DE.TVORG_KK>sub transactions</> that are not maintained
or are no longer maintained, even though they are allocated to
<DS:DE.IHVOR_KK>internal transactions</>.
When the sub-transactions are being allocated to internal transactions,
the system ensures, using validation table relationships, that only
maintained sub-transactions can be allocated. If the sub-transactions
are subsequently deleted, without deleting their allocation to an
internal transaction, this results in an inconsistency.

How to fix this error?

If the system finds inconsistencies, you have the following options:
Maintain the missing sub-transactions.
Delete any allocations involving sub-transactions that no longer exist.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.