Special G/L transactions exist for indicator & and &
Message type: E = Error
Message class: F5 - Document Editing
Message number: 095
Message text: Special G/L transactions exist for indicator & and &
What causes this issue?
The account contains special G/L transactions that, if necessary, are to
be cleared with the posting you are currently entering.
System Response
You see the following note.
How to fix this error?
Check whether a transfer posting or a clearing of special G/L
transactions (for example, down payments) is necessary after you have
posted the present document.
What causes this issue?
The account contains special G/L transactions that, if necessary, are to
be cleared with the posting you are currently entering. The special G/L
transactions that initialize this note were defined in the default
System Response
You see the following note.
How to fix this error?
Check whether a transfer posting or a clearing of special G/L
transactions (for example, down payments) is necessary after you have
posted the present document.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.