Position for freely def. crcy 2 should be &1 (ledger &2/company code &3)

Message type: E = Error

Message class: FINS_ACDOC_CUST - Unified Journal Entry - Customizing

Message number: 110

Message text: Position for freely def. crcy 2 should be &1 (ledger &2/company code &3)

What causes this issue?

The currency type position for freely defined currency 2 (VSL) set in
ledger configuration for ledger &V2& / company &V3& doesn't match the
position used in FI.
The correct position should be FINSC_LD_CMP-CURPOSV = '&V1&'

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

IF &V1& <> ''.
due to the following values:

System Response

This leads to a database mismatch.

How to fix this error?

Please contact SAP.

Procedure for System Administrators

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.