Curr Type(CURTPH) for company code &1 is not maintained in FINSC_LD_CMP
Message type: E = Error
Message class: FINS_ACDOC_CUST - Unified Journal Entry - Customizing
Message number: 249
Message text: Curr Type(CURTPH) for company code &1 is not maintained in FINSC_LD_CMP
Self-Explanatory Message
SAP has defined this message as ‘self-explanatory’ and therefore, has not provided any further details for it.
All messages in SAP have a message text (shown above). However, the message text is not always useful enough to understand or resolve the issue.
Therefore, most messages in the SAP system provide additional long text with details about what caused the issue, how it can be resolved, what actions to take or configuration changes to make, etc
Unfortunately, this specific error message does not provide such additional information.
What else can you do?
Even though this error message does not provide any useful or additional message details, you can still try to solve the issue by searching on SAP’s support portal. In many cases, there could be an SAP support note that provides further error explanations or even directions for resolving the error.
Related Error Messages
FINS_ACDOC_CUST248 You first need to migrate to Universal Journal Entry
FINS_ACDOC_CUST247 Base Ledger &2 of appendix ledger &1 is missing in table FINSC_LEDGER_REP
FINS_ACDOC_CUST250 Source crcy &1 used by crcy type &2 is missing in ledger &3/CoCode &4
FINS_ACDOC_CUST251 Position for global crcy &1 should be empty (ledger &3/company code &4)