You can generate a CSV file template for key mapping entities only.
Message type: E = Error
Message class: FINS_CFIN_MAPPING - Central Finance: Messages for Mapping
Message number: 018
Message text: You can generate a CSV file template for key mapping entities only.
What causes this issue?
You are attempting to generate a template for value mapping functions or
codes, such as company code, business area or country code.
System Response
This is <ZH>not</> supported with the <LS>Central Finance</> mapping
How to fix this error?
Select only key mapping entities, such as customer ID or G/L account for
generating a CSV file template.
You can still display or download mappings for value mapping entities.
Procedure for System Administrators
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.
Related Error Messages
FINS_CFIN_MAPPING017 Template for CSV file generated. You can now enter your mappings.
FINS_CFIN_MAPPING016 The CSV file structure does not match the required structure.
FINS_CFIN_MAPPING019 Length of mapping ID or context ID exceeds maximum length.
FINS_CFIN_MAPPING020 Data type in CSV does not match mapping entity in Central Finance.