Cost element & is blocked for cost center & by the detail planning

Message type: E = Error

Message class: GP - FI-SL and CO planning

Message number: 714

Message text: Cost element & is blocked for cost center & by the detail planning

What causes this issue?

The value of cost element &v1& was already determined for cost center
&v2& in curreny &v3& using detailed planning. A change with the data
transfer is only possible if it is completed by importing or copying a
different detailed planning.

System Response

The planned record to be transferred is entered in the error log.

How to fix this error?

If this message appeared during revaluation, note the following:
Planned values that are created by the detailed planning cannot be
revaluated by the revaluation program; they remain unchanged. Since the
detailed planning also works at the year level, you receive this error
message if you have not selected all periods for revaluation.

Procedure for System Administrators

If you want to allow the detailed planning to be overwritten by the
normal planning, you can change the type of message in Customizing
using <DS:TRAN.OBA5>transaction OBA5</>.
To do so, proceed as follows:
Enter "GP" as the application area.
For message "714", entere the desired message type for dialog
processing. Use the following codes:
Code Message type
E = Error message
I = Information message
W = Warning
- = No message

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Only with type E (standard setting) is the block actually in place.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.