Stock material &, grouping WBS element & could not be distributed

Message type: E = Error

Message class: GPD - Pegging & Distribution

Message number: 060

Message text: Stock material &, grouping WBS element & could not be distributed

What causes this issue?

Stock for material &V1&, grouping WBS element &V1& could not be

How to fix this error?

Please check whether you have already performed
<DS:GLOS.3D7F5C64BE0BD511BCBC0800060D9C68>pegging</> (transaction
PEG01N). The subsequent cost distribution is based on the assignments
that are made during pegging.
A further reason can be that goods receipt for material &V1& has taken
place for reference to a purchase order or a production order. In this
case, the operation is not taken into account during cost distribution.
Please check this using the stock overview (transaction PEG07).

Procedure for System Administrators

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.