Enter either a name, a blank, or an asterisk (*)

Message type: E = Error

Message class: KB - Controlling: Reporting

Message number: 505

Message text: Enter either a name, a blank, or an asterisk (*)

What causes this issue?

In selection of report data, the selection results can be saved under a
particular name (with twelve blank spaces also possible. The name must
beentered for report output.

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

System Response

How to fix this error?

Enter the name entered during the selection.
Do no enter a name if you did not use a name during selection (which is
equivalent to entering a string of blank spaces).
Enter * if you do not know the name. When executing <ZH>Output</>, the
names of the different selection results will be offered. After
choosinga name, the report output is executed immediately. If there is
only a stored selection result available, report output is executed
without a selection screen.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.