Characteristic RESP_FLAG can only be used in report grps with one report

Message type: E = Error

Message class: KB - Controlling: Reporting

Message number: 517

Message text: Characteristic RESP_FLAG can only be used in report grps with one report

What causes this issue?

For technical reasons the characteristic "Import data for the
responsible cost center" (technical name RESP_FLAG) can only be used in
report groups that contain just one report. You have tried to execute a
report group containing more than one report, of which, at least one
uses the characteristic RESP_FLAG.

System Response

The system terminates the execution of the report group you have

How to fix this error?

Ask your system administrator to take the reports contained in the
report group you have executed and include each one individually in
different report groups. You can then use these report groups.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.