Company code & is not assigned to CO area &

Message type: E = Error

Message class: KI -

Message number: 203

Message text: Company code & is not assigned to CO area &

What causes this issue?

You created data in company &v1& and simultaneously entered controlling
area &V2&, or the controlling area was determined automatically and
transferred to cost accounting. In your organization, company code &V1&
is assigned to controlling area &V3&, not &V2&.

System Response

The SAP System recognizes the incorrect assignment and it is rejected.

How to fix this error?

If you entered controlling area &V2& youself, simply retype your entry.
If this is not the case, there is an error in the program. Note the
entries that led to this error message and inform SAP.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.