Company code & and CO area & have different period determination

Message type: E = Error

Message class: KI -

Message number: 242

Message text: Company code & and CO area & have different period determination

What causes this issue?

Company code &V1& and controlling area &V2& assigned to it use
different fiscal year variants. Fiscal year variant &V3& for company
code &V1& is not compatable with fiscal year variant &V4& for
controlling area &V2&.

System Response

Companies and controlling areas assigned to them can only differ in the
number of special periods defined in the assigned fiscal year variants.
The period boundaries of the fiscal year variants themselves must be

How to fix this error?

Reassign the correct fiscal year variant to company code &V1& and
controlling area &V2&.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.