Posting made to cost center &1 of statistical &4
Message type: E = Error
Message class: KI -
Message number: 337
Message text: Posting made to cost center &1 of statistical &4
What causes this issue?
Cost center &V1& is entered in statistical &V4& &V2&.
System Response
Cost center &V3&, entered along with the &V4&, is ignored by the system.
Instead, the system posts to cost center &V1&
How to fix this error?
This functionality is the standard case in the SAP system.
Alternatively, you can configure the system so that the cost center
stored on the statistical &V4& can be overwritten by the actual posting.
To achieve this deactivate message KI337. See the General Controlling
IMG <DS:SIMG.SIMG_CFMENUORK3OBA5>"Change message control"</> (Work area
"KI", message number 337).
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.