Technical error & in authorization check for object &

Message type: E = Error

Message class: KI -

Message number: 590

Message text: Technical error & in authorization check for object &

What causes this issue?

Return code &V1& occurred during the authorization check for object

System Response

The SAP System cannot access the required data.

How to fix this error?

Find the cause of error using the following list and contact the person
in charge of assigning authorizations in your company.
The return code depends on the error. The following return codes are
Authorization does not exist for any action in the SAP System. If
necessary, change the user master.
The number of parameters (fields, values) is too large (maximum 10).
No authorization exists in the user master for the object checked.
No profile is defined in the user master.
The field names of the check call do not match the field names of the
authorization. Either the authorization or the authority-check call is
A damaged authorization exists in the user master.
A damaged authorization exists in the user master.
A damaged authorization exists in the user master.

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

If return code 8 (and 24 in certain cases) occurs, contact the person
in charge of the program.
If return codes 4, 12, 16 or 24 occur, contact your system
administrator if you require certain authorizations.
If return codes 28 through 36 occur, contact the SAP hotline service.
It is likely that damaged authorizations exist.
Individual authorizations are grouped into profiles and listed in the
user master.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.