Lot size independent costs copied although the currency differs

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M3 - Material Master

Message number: 795

Message text: Lot size independent costs copied although the currency differs

What causes this issue?

You have assigned the material an MRP profile in which lot size
independent costs have been specified. However, the reference currency
in the MRP profile differs from the currency of the company code to
which the current plant is assigned.

System Response

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

How to fix this error?

Check the lot size independent costs of the material or the MRP profile
assignment. The assignment of an MRP profile with specified
lot size independent costs normally makes sense only for plants which,
owing to the company code assigned, have the same currency as the MRP

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.