The company code for & cannot be determined
Message type: E = Error
Message class: M3 - Material Master
Message number: 824
Message text: The company code for & cannot be determined
What causes this issue?
This system message may appear in the following situations:
You wanted to create MRP or storage data for the storage location.
You wanted to create accounting data.
You wanted to create batch or supplier consignment data.
You wanted to display stock data for a plant or storage location.
The company code could not be determined for the plant that you have
System Response
The above data is managed by period. To enable you to create or display
data, the current period of the relevant company code must be known to
the System.
How to fix this error?
Have your systems administrator set up the company code. In addition,
the plant must be assigned to the company code.
Procedure for systems administrators
Set up the company code in Customizing if it does not already exist.
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
<DS:TRAN.OMSY>Proceed</>Assign the plant to the company code in Customizing.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.