Document & & & does not contain any selectable items
Message type: E = Error
Message class: M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
Message number: 064
Message text: Document & & & does not contain any selectable items
What causes this issue?
The document or document item entered cannot be adopted.
Possible reasons for this are:
The document items have already been processed
(<LS>Suggest zero lines</> indicator set?).
the document items have been deleted or are blocked.
the document items have been created for a different plant.
(for reservations only) movements are not yet allowed for the
reservation items.
(for reservations only) the document items are retrograde components of
the order. These are posted using the order confirmations.
A <DS:GLOS.3526BF24AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>confirmation</> must exist
for the document items.
The document items must be released first.
The document is an SAP document.
System Response
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
How to fix this error?
If the system has already processed the total quantity, you can set the
<LS>Suggest zero lines</> indicator. The system will suggest the
quantity zero for the items that have already been processed.
If you have entered a particular item, cancel the item. If you do not
enter an item, the system searches all of the open items in the
If the document is a purchase order, production order or a reservation,
you can enter search criteria in the dialog box.
You access the dialog box by choosing <LS>Enter with reference</> on the
initial screen.
If the document is an SAP document, you have to cancel it manually by
entering the reversal movement type.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.