Price segment & & & for vendor & does not exist
Message type: E = Error
Message class: M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory
Message number: 075
Message text: Price segment & & & for vendor & does not exist
What causes this issue?
In plant &V2&, there is no consignment price data for material &V1& for
supplier &V4&.
System Response
Movements of consignment stock are not possible if a price has not been
defined for the material at the supplier.
How to fix this error?
You should create consignment info records instead of consignment price
You have to convert existing consignment price segments into info
records before you activate the info records.
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
<DS:SIMG.SIMG_OLMA_OMEV>Activate Consignment Prices Using Info records</>.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.