Material document cannot be processed

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

Message number: 130

Message text: Material document cannot be processed

What causes this issue?

This <DS:GLOS.3526C023AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>material document</> was
generated through the posting of a
<DS:GLOS.3526C065AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>physical inventory document
</>, a <DS:GLOS.3526BEB2AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>delivery</> via
Shipping, or some other automatic movement (such as an
<DS:GLOS.3528EA3CE8AA5570E10000009B38F983>order confirmation</> in PP or
a <DS:GLOS.3526C6FAAFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>usage decision</> in QM) and
cannot be processed with this function.

System Response

In this transaction, the system can only cancel a material document if
the latter was created using an Inventory Management transaction.

How to fix this error?

Cancel the material document in the component that created the document.
You can only reverse the goods movement created through the posting of a
physical inventory document by carrying out a new physical inventory for
the relevant material. You can reverse a delivery effected via Shipping
using transaction <DS:TRAN.VL09>VL09</>.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.