Posting date earlier than last phys. inv. (&)

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

Message number: 145

Message text: Posting date earlier than last phys. inv. (&)

What causes this issue?

You wish to post a goods movement that lies in the past. However, in
the meantime, a physical inventory was carried out for the material.

System Response

Depending on how the system is set, this message is either a warning
or an error message.

How to fix this error?

Find the physical inventory document for the material and check whether
any inventory differences were determined.
For example, inventory differences are possible if the physical
inventory was carried out although the material document
had not yet been posted.
In this case, you should carry out a new physical inventory after the
goods movement has been posted.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.