GR item $ contains qty zero, qty will be reset

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

Message number: 155

Message text: GR item $ contains qty zero, qty will be reset

What causes this issue?

You changed the quantity in the "material to be provided" item.
However, the quantity of the goods receipt item is zero.

System Response

Your entry will not be taken into account. The system will reset the
quantity in the "material to be provided" item to zero.

How to fix this error?

In the case of a goods receipt for a subcontract order, you can only
post a consumption of the materials provided if the goods receipt
quantity of the ordered material is not zero.
Use the function <LS>Goods movement -> Subseq. adjustment</> to
indicate an excess or under-consumption without posting a goods

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.