Batch & of material & was delivered by vendor &

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

Message number: 170

Message text: Batch & of material & was delivered by vendor &

What causes this issue?

According to the batch master record, batch &V1& of material &V2& can
only be delivered by vendor &V3&. However, when the order was placed,
the batch master record contained a different vendor.

System Response

Depending on the system configuration, this message is either a warning
or an error message.

How to fix this error?

Clarify which vendor is to make deliveries for the batch.
<ZH>Error message:</>
The vendor specified in the batch master record must be the same as the
vendor specified in the purchase order.
If you are sure that you want the vendor in the purchase order to
deliver batch &V1&, you can post the goods receipt as follows: Terminate
current processing, change the vendor in the batch master record, and
enter the goods receipt again.
If the vendor is supposed to deliver a different batch, the purchase
order must be changed. Contact your purchasing department.
<ZH>Warning message:</>
If you post the item in spite of the warning, the system overwrites the
vendor in the batch master record with the new vendor.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.