For the kanban PD, the quantity must be distributed correctly

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

Message number: 188

Message text: For the kanban PD, the quantity must be distributed correctly

What causes this issue?

You wish to post a goods receipt for a kanban purchasing document.
However, the system cannot determine which container(s) has/have to be
filled up. Therefore, you must distribute the quantity manually to the
individual containers. Instead, you quit the dialog box by selecting

System Response

You cannot post the goods receipt before you have distributed the
<ZH>complete</> GR quantity to the individul containers.

<LS> After you have allocated a specific quantity to a given container,
the system will not suggest this container again when you enter the
next goods receipt, even if the allocated quantity is smaller than the
target quantity (field <LS>Container qty</>) of the container</>.

Assume the target quantity of a container is 100 pieces, and you enter
a goods receipt of 105 pieces. In this case, it is useful to allocate
the total quantity to one container. If, instead, you posted 100 pieces
to one container and 5 pieces to a second container, the system would
not suggest either of them again when you enter the next goods receipt.
If no more empty containers exist at the time of the next goods
receipt, you will not be able to post the goods receipt.

How to fix this error?

Make sure to distribute the container quantity adequately.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.