Difference posting for empties occurs on the basis of unit of issue

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M7 - Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

Message number: 204

Message text: Difference posting for empties occurs on the basis of unit of issue

What causes this issue?

You have carried out a difference posting for a full product.

System Response

<DS:GLOS.empties>Settlement of empties</> is carried out on the basis
of the full product's unit of issue.

How to fix this error?

The base quantity is the quantity of the full product in units. To post
differences for the empties material belonging to it, the system
determines the share of the full product's unit of issue in whole
numbers and processes the rest on the basis of the base unit of
Unit of issue ,,1 case of beer ,,BOM : 20 bottles, 1 case
Base unit of measure,,1 bottle of beer BOM : 1 bottle
The system determines a difference of 46 bottles of beer.
The difference posting for the empties is now divided:
46 / 20 = 2 with 6 remaining.
The following differences are posted:
2 empty cases
2*20 = 40 empty bottles
6 empty bottles

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

The difference quantity is only divided as it is above if the
conversion factor of the base unit of measure into the issue unit of
the full product is not less then 1.
The article lemonade is managed in the base unit of measure 1 bottle,
the issue unit is 1 glass (bar);
Conversion: 3 glasses are equal to one bottle, the upper conversion
factor is therefore 1/3.
In this case, it is not divided.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.