No delivery costs exist for bill of lading &
Message type: E = Error
Message class: M8 - Invoice Verification/Valuation
Message number: 019
Message text: No delivery costs exist for bill of lading &
What causes this issue?
No delivery costs have been planned in the purchase order referred to in
the bill of lading.
How to fix this error?
Check your entry.
If your entry was incorrect, you can again choose <LS>Delivery costs</>
--> <LS>Planned</> --> <LS>By bill of lading</> and enter the correct
If your entry was correct, it may be that the supplier has quoted the
wrong bill of lading number, or that the wrong number was recorded when
the goods receipt was posted. You can now proceed as follows:
If a PO number has been quoted on the invoice, choose <LS>Delivery costs
</> --> <LS>Planned</> --> <LS>By purchase order</>, and enter the PO
number to receive a list of the planned delivery costs for this purchase
order. If the invoiced delivery costs are included, you can copy these
from the list.
If no PO number has been quoted on the list, choose <LS>Delivery costs
</> --> <LS>Planned</> --> <LS>By Supplier</> and enter the supplier
number to obtain a list of the planned delivery costs for this supplier.
If the invoiced delivery costs are included in the list, you can copy
If the list does not include the delivery costs, you can only enter
these via <LS>Delivery costs</> --> <LS>Unplanned</> as unplanned
delivery costs.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.