Price too high (tolerance limit of & & exceeded)

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M8 - Invoice Verification/Valuation

Message number: 082

Message text: Price too high (tolerance limit of & & exceeded)

What causes this issue?

The invoice price (value invoiced divided by the quantity invoiced)
varies too greatly from the net order price.

System Response

The system has established that the value invoiced exceeds the expected
value (quantity invoiced * net order price) by more than the tolerance
for price variances (&V1& &V2&) set in the Customizing system.
When you post the invoice, the system blocks the invoice with the
blocking reason "price variance".

How to fix this error?

Check what you have entered and make any necessary corrections. If you
post the document in spite of the variance, the system will post the
document and effect the associated account movements. However, the
document is also flagged with a blocking indicator, which prevents it
from being paid.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.