Quantity more than & % below order price quantity

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M8 - Invoice Verification/Valuation

Message number: 091

Message text: Quantity more than & % below order price quantity

The order price quantity (quantity in order price unit) varies from the
expected order price quantity. This depends on when the invoice was
Goods received before invoice
The order price quantity specified in the invoice is compared with that
specified when the goods were received.
Invoice received before goods
The order price quantity specified in the invoice is compared with the
product of the invoice quantity and the conversion factor specified in
the purchase order.

System Response

The system has determined that the invoice quantity (in order price
unit) falls short of the expected order price quantity by more than the
tolerance for order price quantity variance set in the Customizing

How to fix this error?

Please check the order price quantity and make any necessary changes.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.