Tolerance error in item: PO & / &, material &, delivery note &
Message type: E = Error
Message class: M8 - Invoice Verification/Valuation
Message number: 517
Message text: Tolerance error in item: PO & / &, material &, delivery note &
What causes this issue?
An error occurred in the following item during the item tolerance
Order number &V1&, order item &V2&, material &V3&,
Delivery note number (if known): &V4&
The system only checks the tolerance limits after Invoice Verification
has been run and if the item data selected is more up-to-date than the
data processed manually.
Since manual correction of the old data combined with the newly
calculated data led to a tolerance error, the system was unable to
accept the corrections.
System Response
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
How to fix this error?
Check the results of Invoice Verification once again.
If the invoice contains errors, look for the differences and try and
eliminate the cause.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.