Material & was assigned various tax codes
Message type: E = Error
Message class: M8 - Invoice Verification/Valuation
Message number: 561
Message text: Material & was assigned various tax codes
What causes this issue?
In entering or processing an invoice, you assigned material &V1& more
than one tax code. This usually does not make sense.
How to fix this error?
Check the original invoice from the supplier.
If in the original invoice the material &V1& is subject to one tax code
only, the material was assigned several tax codes in the system by
Check all the invoice items for material &V1& in the system and make any
necessary changes. Also check if a wrong tax code was suggested in the
purchase order. If it was, change the default logik.
If in the original invoice the material &V1& is subject to several tax
codes and this was a mistake on the part of the supplier, return the
invoice to the supplier with the correction.
If in the original invoice the material &V1& is subject to several tax
codes and this is correct, ignore this warning.
You can switch off this message in Customizing for Invoice Verification.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.