Evaluated receipt settlement active for document &1 &2

Message type: E = Error

Message class: M8 - Invoice Verification/Valuation

Message number: 796

Message text: Evaluated receipt settlement active for document &1 &2

What causes this issue?

Document &V1& comes from SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM).
You are trying to enter an invoice for TM document &V1& &V2& or you want
to cancel an invoice that relates to this TM document. An evaluated
receipt settlement (ERS) is planned for this document.

System Response

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

How to fix this error?

When Entering Invoices
When you enter an invoice, check the document number entered.
The following cases are possible:
The document number is <ZH>wrong</>.
If you received this message in multiple selection, choose <LS>New Entry
</> and correct the document number.
If the message is displayed when you are on the creditor screen, choose
<LS>Cancel</>. The initial screen reappears.
The document number is <ZH>correct</>.
You can enter the invoice manually, despite automatic settlement.
Remember, however, that no evaluated receipt settlement can take place
for document items for which an invoice has been entered manually.
If you wish to enter the invoice manually, acknowledge the message by
pressing enter. Alternatively, you can cancel the transaction and return
the invoice to the creditor.
When Canceling Invoices
If you are canceling an invoice, check the document number entered and
correct it if necessary.
If the document number is correct, display the document and check
whether it was posted manually or in the evaluated receipt settlement
The document was <ZH>posted manually</>.
If you cancel a manually posted document, the quantity to be invoiced
can be settled by ERS.
Example: By mistake, you posted an invoice manually for a transportation
service planned with automatic settlement. You cancel this invoice. In
the next ERS settlement, this TM document is proposed for settlement.
The document was <ZH>posted automatically</>.
If you cancel a document posted automatically, the item cannot be
invoiced using ERS a second time. You have to enter a second invoice

Procedure for System Administrators

By default, this message is set as a warning. You can set the system
message as an error (<LB>E</>) in Customizing for <LS>Logistics Invoice
Verification</> under <DS:SIMG.SIMG_CFMENUOLMROMRM>Define Attributes of
System Messages</>.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.