G/L account with currency & not possible in case of valuated GR
Message type: E = Error
Message class: ME - Purchasing: General Messages
Message number: 193
Message text: G/L account with currency & not possible in case of valuated GR
What causes this issue?
You wish to use G/L account &V2&. Postings to this account can only be
made in currency &V1&. Valuated goods receipts are always posted in the
local currency &V3&.
System Response
G/L account &V2& cannot be used for a valuated goods receipt.
How to fix this error?
Either use a G/L account to which postings can be made in local
currency &V3&, or set the indicator for non-valuated goods receipt in
the document item.
Please note that in the case of certain ordering transactions (e.g. the
ordering of services) you cannot set the indicator for non-valuated
goods receipt.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.