Validity period of condition record adjusted (Please check)

Message type: E = Error

Message class: MN - Message class for subsequent settlement (Purchasing)

Message number: 409

Message text: Validity period of condition record adjusted (Please check)

What causes this issue?

A main condition record belonging to rebate arrangement &V1& has a
validity period that does not conform with that of the arrangement
(&V3& - &V4&).
During the periodic extension of the rebate arrangement, this condition
record was adopted in the extended arrangement. In the process, the
validity period of the extended arrangement was chosen as the
applicable validity period.

System Response

The condition record was adopted. The associated period conditions will
be adjusted. See further messages.

How to fix this error?

Check rebate arrangement &V2& with regard to the validity periods of
the condition records - in particular, the validity periods of the
period conditions.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.