Save the selection parameters in a variant (See long text)

Message type: E = Error

Message class: MN - Message class for subsequent settlement (Purchasing)

Message number: 419

Message text: Save the selection parameters in a variant (See long text)

What causes this issue?

You have set the indicator "New run". In the event of the premature
termination of the report (e.g. due to a timeout), you can resume its
execution with the rebate arrangement that is next to be processed. To
do this, it is sensible to create a variant. Otherwise, too many
arrangements may be selected when the program is re-run, due to missing
selection criteria.
The system automatically records only the rebate arrangement interval
you entered and the last successfully processed arrangement.
When the program run is continued, you must re-enter the further
selection criteria (purchasing organization, purchasing group, etc.)
for the report.

How to fix this error?

If necessary, create a variant. When the program run is continued, you
can invoke the latter. You then need only delete the "New run"

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.