Tax code &, country &, not defined in procedure &

Message type: E = Error

Message class: O1 - IS-Oil : Message pool exchanges

Message number: 653

Message text: Tax code &, country &, not defined in procedure &

What causes this issue?

You entered a tax code which is not defined for the country of the
company code in the tax table to be posted.

System Response

Error message. This prevents further document processing.

How to fix this error?

Please correct the tax code you entered, or check whether the company
code is allocated to the correct country in the corresponding table and
whether the correct tax table is entered for the company code country
in the country table.
If you create the tax code again, please do this in FI Customizing
under 'Environment' -> 'Taxes' -> 'Taxes on sales and purchases'.
Caution: Since it is possible that the tables in question run
asynchronously on other computers, it may take some time until the tax
code is on all local machines on client servers after 'saving' the new
indicator. Please contact your systems administrator if problems

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.