Manually-entered quantity in & is within the low warning range

Message type: E = Error

Message class: O3 - IS-Oil: HPM messages (goods movements, QCI, deliveries)

Message number: 024

Message text: Manually-entered quantity in & is within the low warning range

What causes this issue?

You entered a quantity manually that is less than the value calculated
by the system. The tolerance percentage defined for warnings in the
conversion group has been exceeded.

How to fix this error?

Do one of the following:
Choose <ZK>Return</> to accept the warning, leaving the results
Change the manually-entered quantity so that it is within the accepted
Increase the percentages for the tolerance check in the conversion group
(Transaction O588)
,,<ZH>Note</>: If you do not have the authorization to do this, contact
your system administrator.

The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

Sample ranges: Examples:
High error range 10% 1100.00 and greater
High warning range 5% 1050.00 - 1099.99
No message sent 1000.01 - 1049.99
System-calculated value 1000.00
No message sent 999.99 - 950.01
Low warning range 5% 950.00 - 900.01
Low error range 10% 900.00 and less

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.