No sales order stock available for material &1

Message type: E = Error

Message class: QRPRP - Messages for APO Reporting Point Update

Message number: 005

Message text: No sales order stock available for material &1

What causes this issue?

There is no <DS:GLOS.35B0AD328B3123CEE10000009B38F983>sales order stock
</> (no entry in table <ZK>EBEW</>) for the sales order stock managed
component &V1& produced for
<DS:GLOS.3526C72DAFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>sales order</> &V2& sales
order item &V3&, which is why you experience the following:
You are unable to valuate the assembly into which this component is
You cannot make the appropriate goods issue posting for the component
or the goods received posting for the assembly.
The <DS:GLOS.3526B6F2AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>product cost collector</>
cannot be credited or debited with work in process.
In this instance you cannot generate a
<DS:GLOS.3526C460AFAB52B9E10000009B38F974>postprocessing record</> for
the component.

System Response

The system does not make a goods issue posting or a goods receipt
posing for the assembly because there is no valuated sales order stock
for the the sales order stock managed component. The goods receipt
posting is terminated as otherwise it is not possible to make a
meaningful valuation of the material in the goods receipt costing.

How to fix this error?

Create a valuated sales order stock for sales order &V2& sales order
item &V3& and the sales order stock managed component produced &V1&.

Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.