There are no plannable characteristic combinations

Message type: E = Error

Message class: /SAPAPO/TSM - Messages from Time Series Manager

Message number: 230

Message text: There are no plannable characteristic combinations


The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

What causes this issue?

You have selected characteristic values that are not included in an
existing characteristic value combination. Therefore you can not plan
data for these values.

System Response

How to fix this error?

First create characteristic value combinations for the master planning
object structure on which the planning area is based. You do this in S
&DP Administration by choosing <ZH><ZK>Maintain char.
combinations </></>from the context menu. For more information on
characteristic value combinations, see the SAP Library for Demand
Planning under <ZH><ZK>Demand Planning Process</></> -> <ZH><ZK>Master
Data Setup</></>.


Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.